Visitors Since October 28, 2009 |
Welcome To Our Website
| The officers and members of Havasu Masonic Lodge 64 welcome you to our web site.
If you are ever traveling in the Lake Havasu City area, please visit with us and enjoy our fraternal hospitality and friendship.
Please send us an Email if you have questions about our Lodge and events.
John White Worshipful Master 2012
Lodge Location, 2901 Chemehuevi Blvd, Lake Havasu City, AZ
- Mailing Address -
P.O. Box 1775
Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405
Phone: 928-855-1307
- Stated Meetings -
2nd Tuesday at 7 PM
- Next Event -
- Tuesday -
- December 11th -
- Dinner 5:30 PM -
- Stated Meeting 7 PM -
Past Masters Night