Havasu Lodge 64
 Free And Accepted Masons, Lake Havasu City, AZ

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At our April 10th Stated Meeting, Vern Rich PM was presented his 50 Year Pin and Certificate. On April 12, 2012 at 11:30 AM, Worshipful Master John White presented Brother Harvey Sandford his well- earned 50 Year Pin and Certificate.

The presentation was conducted at the Havasu Nursing Center. In attendance were Phil Avery DDGM, Tom LaVelle, Bill Cohrt, Worshipful Master John White, Dick Newark PM, and Ken Lim.

- 2012 OFFICERS -
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- Left To Right -
Douglas McEdwards(Chaplain)Brian Riley(Sr. Deacon)
Harry Bremner(Treasurer)John White(Master)
Robert Lydon(Sr. Warden)Chris Rolando(Sr. Steward)
Zachery Eyestone(Jr. Steward)Philip Avery(Secretary)

- John White, Worshipful Master 2012 -

- Robert Lydon, Senior Warden 2012 -